Ear Molds, Plugs, and Monitors

The Art of The Ear Impression

Professional monitors for musicians, ear protection for being in noise, or even swim plugs require a very accurate impression of the ear. This is a simple process, but it is often difficult to do correctly. Getting an actual image is becoming a lost art and requires long experience with many impressions to guarantee the correct size and shape.

After an examination of the ear canal and drum to ensure there is no debris and the impression can be made safely, a cotton dam is placed properly to protect the ear drum. A special silicon mix is injected into the canal, filling the entire middle and outer ear. After a few minutes to harden, the impression is removed and examined for any void, defects, or missing areas. This exact replica of the ear is then used by the manufacturer to create a custom one-of-a-kind fit for the desired device.

Schedule your appointment for industrial hearing screening today by calling us at 808-935-6358.

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